IRIDIUM® Airtime


Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD) Service is an efficient network protocol designed for shorter sized data messages. SBD uses a proprietary network protocol to transfer data messages to and from the remote terminal. It is possible to send Mobile Originated (MO-SBD) and Mobile Terminated (MT-SBD) messages.

When to use SBD:

  • Designed to send shorter sized data messages.
  • Average transmission power: 1W
  • MO message size up to 340 bytes
  • MT message size up to 270 bytes
  • Raw SBD data are sent to users by email in an attached file -unless SBD extra services are requested
  • Up to 5 different recipients email addresses

Service is billed according to volume of data exchanged.

SBD extra services

CLS offers a portfolio of real-time value added services for your SBD messages, though a user-friendly web-portal designed to easily manage and download your data, and where GPS positions can be displayed on a web-mapping tool.


  • Real-time data and positions decoding
  • Compatible with all manufacturers and platforms
  • GTS processing & insertion
  • Data display & download via a web application (responsive design)
  • Web-mapping interface with online access to one year of GPS positions
  • Automatic data distribution via FTP or email
  • Customized alerts upon request (geofencing, sensor value)
  • Automatic data archiving & back-up
  • CLS support & expertise
  • CLS secured servers & redundant processing centers

MetOcean data is available along tracks by request